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Doctors had to “throw away the textbooks” to treat Jacob’s unique condition

When Nicole Boucher was pregnant, doctors spotted something unusual during her 20-week scan — cysts were forming at the back of her baby’s brain. She was closely monitored at Mount Sinai Hospital until she gave birth there in September 2016. As soon as Jacob was born, he had trouble breathing and was whisked to The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) through the underground tunnel network.

3 min read

Jacob brings his keyboard every time he goes to SickKids.

When Nicole Boucher was pregnant, doctors spotted something unusual during her 20-week scan — cysts were forming at the back of her baby’s brain. She was closely monitored at Mount Sinai Hospital until she gave birth there in September 2016. As soon as Jacob was born, he had trouble breathing and was whisked to The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) through the underground tunnel network.

That night, when Nicole recovered enough to be wheeled out of the hospital, she went to the SickKids neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to meet her son. There, she saw her newborn boy hooked up to machines — a terrifying sight. “I was scared to even touch him, and I remember the nurse saying, ‘You can touch him, he’s okay.’ She talked to me about my baby, but not about everything else going on.”

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