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Read the ruling any way you want, we’ve allowed antisemitism to be normalized

In granting U of T’s injunction against the encampment, the judge ruled that part of the problem is an ‘absence of an agreed definition of antisemitism.’ But, as Rosie DiManno writes, Canada has endorsed a working definition of antisemitism submitted to the UN.

3 min read
U of T end protest.JPG

Protesters march from U of T on Wednesday after clearing the encampment at the university.

A home that displays a mezuzah — signifying a covenant with God and blessings on the home — has been defiled with a note that reads: “You and your Jewish family are going to die.’’

Elsewhere, “Long live Hitler’’ graffiti-scrawled on the curb.

Rosie DiManno

Rosie DiManno is a Toronto-based columnist covering sports and current affairs for the Star. Follow her on Twitter: @rdimanno.

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