Trump’s baseless claim
Isn’t it abominably appalling that imprudent elderly blokes like this man south of the border would say anything to get on the front page of the newspaper. The craving to publish and drag our prime minister through American mud is equally despicable. John Quincy Adams once said, “if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” We, Canadians, ought not repeat a foul-mouthed foreign felon who flaunted the Bible at a church where he never darkened the door! Such ethically distorted rabble-rousers are a depraved shame in 2024. My family and I chose to live in Canada for its fresh air, maple syrup and our well-known Canadian respectful humanity.
John Mathew, Mississauga
If presidential candidate Donald Trump can baselessly claim Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the spawn of Fidel Castro, we can also point out that comic Bill Maher said Trump’s lineage was closely linked to an orangutan from the Brooklyn Zoo. Trump filed a lawsuit after Maher’s comment. He later withdrew it.
Richard Kadziewicz, Scarborough
Reporter Tonda MacCharles’s article is proof positive the word “weird” is a synonym for MAGA. Shown a photograph of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Donald Trump said ”he’s turned very liberal actually. They say he’s the son of Fidel Castro and, uh, could be. I mean anything’s possible in this world, you know.” Trudeau could not look more like Pierre Elliott Trudeau unless he was cloned. I remember the funeral for Trudeau’s father very well. The memory that stands out is former U.S. President Jimmy Carter chatting, seemingly amicably, with Fidel Castro. It’s hard not to pine for those days.
Rochelle Hatton, Sudbury, Ont.
Canadians aren’t weird
You can tell the federal Liberals are in total chaos. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is away on vacation while the future of the Liberal party is completely sinking. The latest example of the Liberals grasping at straws is stealing the tactic of calling federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre “weird.” Do Trudeau’s Liberals think they are going to wash away their years of bad performance by calling Canadians who won’t vote for them as “weird?” Neither Democrats in America or Liberals in Canada learned anything from the mistake and backlash against Hillary Clinton when she called Americans who wouldn’t vote for her “deplorables.” They say people who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Get your popcorn and enjoy the fun of watching all Canadians send a message to the Liberals by crushing the politicians who call anyone “weird!”
Chris Robertson, Stony Plain, Alta.
Oleksiak’s impact is profound
Swimmer Penny Oleksiak’s impact as an Olympic champion is profound and far reaching. Her influence as a role model will continue to be felt by Canadians across the country. In 2017, I met Penny and her mother, Alison, with a view to painting Penny’s portrait for a fundraiser. They could not have been more gracious or generous with their time. Prints of the portrait are available from the Toronto District School Board to support swimming programs such as the one at Monarch Park Collegiate. I also wish to thank Penny for making all Canadians proud yet again.
Jeffrey Sprang, Oshawa
Where would tax dollars go?
A recent letter writer was extolling the virtues of paying more taxes and references Scandinavia as an example of how higher taxes would make for a better lifestyle for all of us. My question is, even if we did pay more taxes, what’s to guarantee that they will be used to improve our lives? Our politicians waste a lot of our tax money and would probably continue to do so even if they had more of it. It’s a sad but real situation here in Canada.
Jane White, Scarborough
Off-leash dog park in disrepair
I am writing to express my deep frustration and disappointment with our local city councillor’s continued disregard for the community’s concerns regarding the conditions of our city-run dog park (Thompson Street Parkette on Broadview Avenue). For months now, we’ve been voicing our concerns and suggestions for much-needed improvements and upgrades to the park and unfortunately, our pleas have been consistently ignored or dismissed with vague promises that never materialize into action.
The current state of the park leaves much to be desired. The lack of proper ground cover, workable water fountain and poor maintenance are just a few of the issues that have been repeatedly brought to the council’s attention, yet nothing has been done to address them. The park is an important part of our community. It is not just a place for our pets to play, but a space where neighbours connect and build relationships.
Given the influx of new condominiums being built, the population of dogs and people using our off-leash park, has significantly increased. The safety and well-being of both our pets and the people who use this park should be a priority, but it seems that the city council is more interested in ignoring the problem than finding solutions.
Patricia Sawyer, Toronto
Highway 413 won’t help traffic
Traffic congestion is indeed a problem in southern Ontario, but Highway 413 won’t solve that. It will just invite more cars as drivers flock to the new roadway. Instead of destroying green space, Ontario should make better use of the expressways it already has. Let’s reduce tolls to get more drivers using the underutilized Highway 407.
Gideon Forman, Toronto
Blue Jays, fans deserve more than Shapiro and Atkins
Well, we heard the mid-season “Sermon on the Mound” from Jays President Mark Shapiro who, again, talked a lot but said nothing. The fans are tired of hearing how things will be better when Shapiro has not won a championship, after spending 15 years in Cleveland failing to win one there. The focus seems to be on the bottom line, not the baseball team. The fans deserve better.
Gary Megaffin, Kitchener, Ont.