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For Subscribers Death in a Small Town: Part 2

As Nathaniel clung to life, his parents asked if he’d survive. What they didn’t ask would soon be held against them

Some at the hospital found the parents’ behaviour to be odd, including a nurse who noted they didn’t ask “how did this happen.” Second of five parts.

11 min read

Kent McLellan, left, photographed near his Parkhill home on a road where he enjoyed walking with Nathaniel, and Rose-Anne McLellan at the intersection where she picked up Nathaniel from the babysitter.

Part two of a five-part series. Recap of the story so far: Rose-Anne and Kent McLellan have four children. They live in Parkhill, a rural community near the town of Strathroy. Their youngest, Nathaniel, was being looked after in a home daycare. Alerted by the daycare owner that something was wrong with the 15-month-old boy, Nathaniel’s mother rushes him to hospital. The following day, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015, local police zero in on both parents.

Two police cruisers rattled down the road to the McLellan farmhouse in Parkhill, black tires spitting stones at rust-brown corn stalks on both sides. In the distance, a metal forest of wind turbines turned lazily in the light fall air, casting long shadows over the fields. It would be dark soon.

Kevin Donovan

Kevin Donovan is the Star’s chief investigative reporter based in Toronto. He can be reached at 416-312-3503 or via email:

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