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Paris Olympics were charming, inspiring and just what a weary world seemed to crave

“The images that will endure after Paris are more likely to be the moments of humanity than the competition itself,” the Star’s Editorial Board writes.

2 min read
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Canada earned 27 medals at the 2024 Olympics in Paris, thanks in part to (clockwise from top left) Summer McIntosh, Camryn Rogers, Phil (Wizard) Kim, Melissa Humana-Paredes and Brandi Wilkerson, Ethan Katzberg, and Christa Deguchi.

Too often, the professed ideals of the Olympic movement — excellence, respect, friendship and the building of a better, more peaceful world — have amounted to a grandiose fraud.

Instead, the Games came to be characterized by boycotts from one side or another of the Cold War, or exploited by authoritarian host nations for political propaganda.

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