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If you disagree with this column, don’t bully me or question my intelligence — make your case

Some people think that if they just push hard enough, others will eventually agree with them. And if that doesn’t work, they’ll discredit or silence anyone with a different viewpoint.

2 min read
Olivia Chow Caribbean Carnival.jpg

Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow, who posted this photo on X from the Caribbean Carnival on Aug. 3, has been publicly criticized for attending the event in costume. “There are more than enough challenges in Toronto to bring up and question Mayor Chow about, rather than focusing on how she was dressed or how she danced,” writes Shellene Drakes-Tull.

When we were kids, we learned, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

As we grew up, we realized that was a lie. Bullying, whether physical or verbal attacks, hurts. We can all remember someone saying something cruel and it hurt our feelings. I still feel traumatized from high school 30 years later.

Shellene Drakes-Tull

Shellene Drakes-Tull is a Toronto-based storyteller, educator and the founder of Sweet Lime Communications. Reach her via email:

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