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For Subscribers Star Columnists

It may be trespassing, but dismantling the U of T encampment is not worth the chaos that would ensue

A two-day hearing is underway where the university is seeking to have about 180 tents dismantled. The injunction pits trespassing transgressions against freedoms of assembly and speech, writes Rosie DiManno.

3 min read
U of T encampment.JPG

U of T Occupy for Palestine, the group that established an encampment at the U of T campus, wear kaffiyehs as they work the gate at the entrance last month. 

The Spring ’24 Kaffiyeh Collection was in abundant display inside Courtroom 4-8.

It’s all the accessory rage these days. Particularly chic when paired with black pumps and silk trousers, as one woman co-ordinated her ensemble.

Rosie DiManno

Rosie DiManno is a Toronto-based columnist covering sports and current affairs for the Star. Follow her on Twitter: @rdimanno.

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