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Donald Trump and Joe Biden are each in their own dangerous bubble. We’ll see which pops first

To navigate American politics in 2024 is to walk between worlds, writes Richard Warnica

5 min read
Trump Bubble web.JPG

There are different realities at play when dealing with American politics. The Trump bubble is just one of many. 

MILWAUKEE, Wisc. — We tend to think of the Earth, when we think of it at all, as a ball of rock and water floating in space. But what makes the Earth our home, a planet capable of supporting life, is actually the bubble of gas that surrounds it. We are creatures of atmosphere. We swim suspended in a sea of the third state of matter, here by the grace of gas and the gravity that holds it in.

I thought a lot about gravity, gas and atmosphere at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee this week.

Richard Warnica

Richard Warnica is a Toronto-based reporter for the Star. Reach him via email:

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