Lunar New Year is just weeks away, with Feb. 10 marking the start of the Year of the Dragon.
According to Chinese astrologer Paul Ng, it will be a year of “luck and wealth,” with the world economy showing signs of improving. However, wars will continue as countries fight “for superiority,” and there could be issues with fires amid hot temperatures, he says.
Here’s what Ng says you can expect, according to your zodiac sign — and what to look out for.
Predictions for the Lunar New Year
Dragon (2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940)
This year, the dragon “must not gamble or speculate” and their “regular income should be safe,” Ng says.
They are likely to be spiritual and intuitive, and “may even enjoy travelling.”
The dragon may be prone to accidents and health issues, however, so they should drive carefully, take their time, exercise more and rest well.
In a relationship, the dragon should beware of misunderstandings and “be careful of extra-marital relations.”
In their work, they are creative and problem-solvers. For this reason, they should consider careers in advising or consulting. They could also do well in logistics, business related to travel, or helping others do debt reorganization.
Snake (2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941)
The Snake is in a “positive year,” Ng says.
This sign should expect money this year, and trust that their clear mind will lead to successful investments — perhaps in real estate or the stock market.
Their health will generally be good, but they should watch out for accidents that could involve bleeding, be cautious of sharp objects and drive carefully.
In work, the snake would do well in something analytical or in entertainment and “happy events.”
There won’t be much going on romantically, but that’s not necessarily bad. Those who aren’t married should look out for misunderstandings.
Horse (2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930)
The horse’s financial situation should improve this year. The more authority they get at work, the more money they will make, Ng predicts.
If they’re in management, they “should do well.” It would also be in their favour to work in blood-related industries (as a surgeon or butcher, Ng says), business having to do with funerals or mobile work (like travel, international trading and logistics).
The horse’s overall health looks good, but they should try to avoid accidents.
Romance looks good, too, but there could be arguments. Horses should try to stay calm.
Sheep (2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931)
Ng says the sheep shows many lucky signs this year, with positive interpersonal relationships and a tendency to be more outgoing.
At work, this sign may do well in the car business, public relations or trading. Their regular income looks stable, and they should avoid gambling, Ng says.
However, the sheep potentially spending their time and energy on work and travel could weaken their familial and romantic relationships.
Monkey (2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932)
The monkey this year is likely to have good, long-lasting, though “flat,” relationships with people.
This sign seems likely to have a good financial year. They are likely to move or travel, and Ng predicts that the more they travel, the more money they can make.
This sign would do well working in logistics, travel, moving, education, sales, marketing and trading.
The monkey will be healthy this year, but will be even better if they exercise.
Rooster (2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933)
Ng predicts the rooster will have good relations this year, including in work and in love.
They’ll do well dealing with business people, particularly in the entertainment industry.
If they’re married, their relationship to their spouse will be “fantastic,” and if they’re single, they “can get married,” Ng says.
Their overall health will be good, but they shouldn’t abuse it, and should avoid partying too much.
Dog (2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934)
The dog has a strong sign in arts and intuition, Ng says.
They’ll do well working in arts and entertainment, as well as religion, philosophy, and public speaking or something similar. They’re expected to have a stable income and should avoid gambling.
This zodiac could face arguments, and must be careful. They should keep a low profile, “listen more and talk less,” especially with the person they love.
The dog will be prone to health issues, so they should exercise more and rest well.
Boar (2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935)
The boar, also known as the pig, will have a good reputation this year and is expected to do well financially.
They would do well in analytical work, educational work, or planning “happy events,” like weddings.
Although their professional relationships may be better than their personal relationships, their marriage should do well this year. If they’re single, it’ll be a good year to get married.
They will be healthy this year. “There is a lucky sign to steer you clear of trouble,” Ng says.
Rat (2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936)
Ng expects the rat to have “plenty of luck and help” this year.
They would do well in politics, legal work, financial management and management consulting.
Their regular income will be “fine” and they will have friends around “to help make money.”
This zodiac, if single, will have “plenty of romances” but it would be a good year for them to get married, Ng says. A married person of this zodiac will have a “great” love life.
The rat is generally healthy, but should be cautious of “small accidents at times.”
Ox (2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937)
This year, the ox will face “frequent setbacks” for things they want to do, Ng says, which will be difficult at first but will get easier over time.
They should beware of “arguments and controversy,” and try to be independent, although help will be available, he says.
They would succeed in work having to do with talking — for example, as a sales agent, teacher, speaker, or singer — and will gain more in reputation this year than wealth. They should avoid gambling and speculation.
This sign may not experience much romance this year, and their friendships may be stronger than their family relationships.
They “may be subject to many small ailments” and should be careful of falling and hitting things.
Tiger (2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938)
“The tiger has a dominant spiritual sign this year. Your analytical skills are equally strong. Your mind is clear,” Ng says.
While the tiger may enjoy moving around, they may be prone to accidents, but their “healing sign” this year should help get them out of trouble.
They would do well in health, educational or spiritual work — particularly as a doctor, pharmacist, teacher or priest. Analytical work, such as accounting or computer work, as well as logistics and work in travel would be good for them. Their “wealth is stable” but they shouldn’t gamble much.
The tiger may have misunderstandings in relationships, but they should try to be patient, listening more and arguing less.
As this sign may be prone to accidents, they should drive carefully and take their time at work.
Rabbit (2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939)
The rabbit this year is expected to have strong romances and improved authority levels, but potential health issues.
Still, Ng says they may experience arguments in their relationships and should be careful of love triangles.
They would do well working with other people — particularly in sales, marketing, consulting or health. Their wealth will be “proportional” to their reputation, which will be helped by their “improved authority,” Ng says.
As the rabbit may experience illness, they shouldn’t overwork, and should ensure they exercise often and get good rest.
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