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Indigo removing Alice Munro’s image from bookstores over daughter’s abuse revelations

Canada’s largest bookstore chain, however, said the late author’s books will stay on its shelves.

1 min read

Indigo, Canada’s largest bookstore chain, said it will remove images of Alice Munro from its stores. 

Alice Munro’s stories will remain on Indigo shelves, but Canada’s largest bookstore chain said it will remove photos of the late novelist from some of its locations.

The move comes as the literary world continues to reckon with revelations, first reported by the Star, that Munro’s daughter, Andrea Robin Skinner, was sexually abused by her stepfather and that her mother did not support her when she shared her experiences.

Joshua Chong

Joshua Chong is a Toronto-based culture reporter for the Star. Follow him on X: @joshualdwchong.

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