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‘You lose your job, you lose your livelihood’: NDP will push for reform of Ontario program that has unfairly stripped drivers of their licences

Transportation Minister Caroline Mulroney declined interview requests. A Star/IJB investigation found MCR system is prone to abuse and inaccuracies.

4 min read

Ontario Transportation Minister Caroline Mulroney has declined requests for interviews about licence suspensions under the province’s controversial medical condition report system.

Ontario’s NDP is pushing for reform of a provincial program that takes drivers off the road based on their alleged health conditions — even in cases where the drivers don’t actually pose any danger.

The move comes after a Toronto Star/Investigative Journalism Bureau (IJB) investigation found that Ontario’s system for reporting potentially unsafe drivers is unfairly stripping many of not just their licences, but also their livelihoods.

Robert Cribb

Robert Cribb is a Toronto-based investigative reporter for the Star. Reach him via email:

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