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Publisher & Proprietor: Jordan Bitove
8 Spadina Avenue, 10th Floor
Toronto, ON
M5V 0S8
For home delivery, or digital access inquiries, please visit us here:
To contact the Star newsroom:
- phone 416-869-4300
- email
General inquiries:
The main telephone is 416-367-2000.
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Below are links to our most requested departments where you will find information about what they do, the services they provide and how to contact them. You may also want to check Frequently-Asked Questions, which provides information on specific topics.
If you cannot find an appropriate contact name or number below, send an email to the webmaster and it will be directed to the most appropriate person.
The Editorial department, or newsroom, gathers the news and designs the newspaper and Toronto Star magazines, such as Starweek. Employees in the department handle press releases, letters to the editor, article submissions, and cover news and feature stories happening in the community and beyond.
The Circulation department is responsible for delivering your newspaper to you. Employees handle any issues related to subscriptions, delivery problems, vacation stops and starts, newspaper boxes and other customer service questions.
Digital Support:
The Digital Customer Service team can assist with registration, billing and technical support to help you enjoy access to
The Classified Advertising department handles births, adoptions and death notices, memorials, announcements and classified ads for commercial and private-party advertisers, including help wanted, rentals, real estate, automotive and merchandise.
The Advertising department is responsible for all display ads and inserts throughout the Toronto Star, its magazines and It handles ad sales and provides information on related subjects such as rates, deadlines and specifications.
Online access to the Toronto Star archives is no longer available. Please check your local public library.
Torstar Syndication Services collects, packages and distributes content from Torstar newspapers and external sources. The department is also responsible for managing content rights, marketing and licensing content, and providing research and information-gathering services.
The Promotions department looks after promotional efforts, including Toronto Star contests, partnerships and sponsorships within the community.
The Star Advisers is our reader panel. For more information and to find out how you can participate, please visit
Torstar Corporation ensures our feedback process is accessible to people with disabilities by providing or arranging for accessible formats and communication supports, on request. Feedback may be shared verbally (in person or by telephone) or in writing (handwritten, delivered, website, or e-mail).
Email: Accessibility Officer
Phone: (905) 281-5650
Click here for Accessibility Statements
Editor: Anne Marie Owens
The main newsroom phone number is 416-869-4300; email
General inquiries can be sent to:
8 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, ON
M5V 0S8
You can reach individual departments/sections within Editorial via phone or email, listed below:
Letters to the Editor
Send your contribution to Letters to the Editor via email to; or by mail to 8 Spadina Avenue, 10th Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 0S8. Letters must include full name, address and all phone numbers of sender (daytime, evening and cellphone). Street names and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters, which typically run 50-150 words. Please note: We get many more letters than we have space to print. Due to the volume, we unfortunately cannot acknowledge every submission.
Bureau of Accuracy/Public Editor
You can contact the Star's Bureau of Accuracy and Public Editor by email at; or by phone at 416-869-4949.
Submitting a news tip or news release
If you have a news tip, call 1-800-331-8127 or e-mail us at Visit our news tips page for more ways to share tips, news photos or videos.
News releases should be sent, if possible, to the editor responsible for that type of coverage (i.e. entertainment, business, food, etc.). Please see Editorial Departments/Sections. News releases for the city desk can be sent by email to
- A press release should be brief and explain clearly why the event is of public interest.
- Include the basic details about who, what, when, where and why, along with a contact person and his or her phone numbers and email address if available.
- Be aware of deadlines. A news release should be submitted as early as possible and preferably at least two weeks in advance.
Submitting an article
Stories, commentaries or opinion pieces should be submitted to the section of the Star to which they're best suited.
Alternatively, they can be sent by email to Hard copies can be mailed to a specific section of the paper or the Editorial Department at 8 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, ON M5V 0S8.
How to reach someone at the Star
Most staff members, including reporters, editors, columnists and photographers, can be reached by email. In most cases the email address follows this formula (all lower case, don't type spaces or the plus sign): first initial + last name You can also reach staff in the Editorial department (newsroom) via phone at 416-869-4300. Editorial staff members can also be contacted within the department they work for.
To reach a freelance writer, please contact the section of the newspaper in which his or her article appeared.
Editorial Departments/Sections (in alphabetical order)
City Assignment Desk
City Hall Bureau
Photography & Multimedia
Photo Assignment Desk
New in Homes & Condos/Special Sections
Starweek Magazine
For details on the Star's programs for interns, please visit our Internships page.
For Digital Access inquiries, including registration, billing and technical support, please email or call the number below.
Email: Toll Free: 855-687-5915
Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 4:00PM
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 8:00AM to 12PM
Toronto Star Customers
For Home Delivery or ePaper subscriptions, missed delivery, vacation suspension, subscription changes, billing inquiries, or other delivery issues or customer service matters please call the numbers below or email. You may also use our self-serve online circulation service.
Toronto Star Customer Call Center Contact
Monday to Friday 7:00AM to 4:00PM
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 7:00AM to 12PM
Greater Toronto
Phone: 416-367-4500
Toll Free: 800-268-9213
Retail Sales Contact
Single copy retail sales, vending box, School delivery and corporate copy inquiries
Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 4:00PM
Phone: 416-367-2114
Star Classifieds can be reached at 416-777-7777 or toll-free 1-800-268-8323, by fax 416-814-3270 or by email For death notices, please call 416-869-4229, fax 416-814-3273 or email We accept jpeg or Word attachments only.
For more information or to use our online form to place a classified ad in the newspaper, please visit
Phone Hours:
- Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
- Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm
Death Notices
- Monday-Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm
The Advertising department can be contacted by phone at 416-869-4242, toll-free at 1-800-268-8323 or by email at (Please don't send attachments.) To advertise in Starweek, please call 416-869-4244.
For specific information, please visit our online media kit.
The Toronto Star printed editions from 1894 have been fully digitalized to make them accessible to the world.
Our content is valuable as a research tool for our journalists; for Star subscribers and readers; for individual members of the public on their own personal history journeys and many other commercial uses including books, academic papers, movies, documentaries, exhibits and digital websites. With the rapid expansion of powerful new digital technology and tools such as AI, data mining and facial recognition, we must protect our journalism in new ways.
Bots and automated digital programs constantly “crawl” the Web for posted Star material. Some uses are legal, but other companies “scrap” Star content for unauthorized third-party use. They do not seek permission, nor do they pay licensing fees for use of our copyrighted material.
Torstar Syndication Service (TSS) is responsible for managing all licensing and permissions for Toronto Star published content including articles, photos, headlines, printed pages (PDFs), digital content, audio, video, graphics and the underlying “data” associated with everything we produce. TSS also manages Metroland daily, community content permissions, both digital and print.
We have partnered with world-class licensing companies to help us protect the future uses of Star content to ensure they are authorized and when appropriate, licensing fees are paid.
To search Toronto Star archival material:
For the most recent published Star news:
Go to
For Star archival research:
- Researchers and readers globally can now access the Star archives here:
The Star earns royalties from usage of Star's archives on which helps support our award-winning journalism.
- In Toronto, the Toronto Public Library offers card holders free access to a searchable newspaper database, Canadian Newsstream, which includes the Toronto Star.
- If you live in the city, and have a library card, access the newspaper database in person at the Toronto Reference Library at 789 Yonge St. The Toronto Star Newspaper Room is located on the lower level and includes computer terminals where the archive can be searched. Please ask the front desk attendant for assistance.
- In the GTA and across Canada, local library systems may also subscribe to the newspaper database service offered by ProQuest.
- Photos from the Toronto Star Archive can be searched in person at the Toronto Reference Library at 789 Yonge St. or online at
Images from the archive at the Toronto Public Library are only for personal, non-commercial use in print. Some educational, non-profit and community projects may fall under commercial uses and require licensing permissions.
Please contact TSS at
Digital uses of copyrighted Star archival photos (and other Torstar archival material) that appear on personal websites, social media channels and associated URLs or personal brands that generate traffic, sales, ad revenue (YouTube, etc.), personal appearances, merch sales fall under commercial licensing.
Contact TSS at to discuss planned uses prior to posting on a digital URL.
The Toronto Star retains the copyright to all Star archival images appearing either in the Star or in the Toronto Public Library Star photo collection.
To license or seek reuse permission for all Toronto Star archival material:
- For photos:
Always check the Star collection on Getty Images first if you have photos from, TPL or another source you wish to license. If they’re on Getty, license through them at:
- For articles, page PDFs, headlines, excerpts, weblinks, framed plaques, logos and other non-photo uses:
All usage of articles, pages, headlines and excerpts from the Toronto Star, including logo and branding, must be licensed through PARS International Corp. This includes use in TV shows, books, films, gallery exhibits, educational projects and other publications, including digital. A quote based on specific usage can be obtained from:
- EXCLUDED USES: Toronto Star, Metroland and Torstar APIs and other web services for all commercial purposes must be licensed separately through Torstar Syndication Services. Torstar API commercial purposes include but aren't limited to developing a software product or training an artificial intelligence system or machine learning or providing archived or cached data sets containing Torstar content to any person or company in any product or service that competes with Torstar products or services.
- TSS no longer offers personal photo reprints, Star edition back issues or page PDF reproduction services.
- For our licensing FAQ, go to:
- For other syndication services offered by TSS go to:
- If you still need assistance or guidance on how to find or license Star material email TSS:
For inquiries about sponsorship or promotions, please send your proposal to
For general inquiries and information about the Toronto Star that you can't find elsewhere in this section or FAQs, please contact our main switchboard at 1-800-268-9756.
The Star's Classroom Connection program provides teachers, school librarians and classrooms with a host of free teaching material and daily delivery of the Toronto Star at a special educational rate. For more information, please visit
Phone: 416-869-4141
Please contact Classroom Connection using our online form.
Toronto Star main switchboard
Customer Service (including subscription inquiries, delivery issues, billing inquiries, vacation stops or other customer service inquiries or complaints)
Phone: 416-367-4500 or 1-800-268-9213